Pawpaw Project
Forest Valley Outdoor Education Centre, Toronto, Ontario
Timeline: 2018-present: raising the seedlings | September 2021: transplant and establish the Pawpaw patch
Goal: Learn how to grow and bring back these most special Pawpaw trees that are so valuable for our local ecology and Indigenous Agroecology. Educate the public about what Pawpaws are and why they matter.
Our Work with the Pawpaws
Mike Izzo at Forest Valley with Outdoor Education Centre with new Pawpaw sign
Miinikaan is proud to be part of regrowing and restoring our local and Indigenous Pawpaw trees! Each fall since 2018, we’ve scoured the city to find Pawpaw fruits for a source of seed, in the limited time window they’re available each season.
The seeds start to germinate slowly after spending a cold winter in moist soil as part of the cold stratification process, which mimics wintery outdoor conditions. The beautiful, succulent, and sweet Indigenous Pawpaw fruits, with their soft caramelly insides, are hard to find as the once-plentiful trees are now scarce.
These rare Indigenous fruit trees will become a permanent part of a forested area right in the city of Toronto that is used by the Toronto District School Board for outdoor education. So not only will the Pawpaws have a beautiful home and growing conditions, but they’ll also be showcased to countless school children and students! The Pawpaw revitalization project will be ongoing for many years as the seeds are very slow to germinate and seedlings need special care for the first few years.
Miinikaan's role: We initiated and lead this project.
Collaborators: NishDish Marketeria & Catering inspired, encourages and promotes the Pawpaw revitalization, Toronto District School Board, Urban Indigenous Education Centre, and Toronto Outdoor Education Schools made the land available for planting and printed and installed educational signage.
Special thanks to: Elder Grandma Pauline Shirt
Pawpaw gallery

Work with Us
Our speciality is Indigenous garden consultation, design and installation. In creating our gardens, we are revitalizing traditional Indigenous AgroEcology and Indigenous ceremony. We’re experts in growing food, container gardens and rooftop gardens, and we love transforming public spaces.
Get in touch to hire us for your project!